Research shows that the combination of acupuncture and IVF together produces a much higher rate of conception. We ask ourselves why? Why is this?
Some of the reasons are:
Some examples would be treating a family who has never conceived before, treating miscarriages, treating IVF, IUI, and endometriosis and poly cysticosis syndrome. Treating someone who has not conceived before and has gone through all of the Western Medical tests may take a little longer. We setup a plan for each phase. At that point, I would recommend herbs, evaluate ovulation, menstruation and recommend acupuncture twice per week. Also, recommend my patient to receive diagnostic testing through Western Medicine which would be an ultrasound and blood testing. Sometimes there is no explanation for infertility. Chinese Medicine seems to be one of the things that can help you become fertile. I worked with a woman who had been through all of the conventional testing through the Western Medical Doctors. One of the biggest issues in the Western world is overactive sex life from men and women. From a Chinese Medicine prospective, too much sex diminishes the Ming Men Fire, the gate of life. Which then means this is taking away the vital energy of the body. Which is Western Medicine would call adrenal fatigue. So just giving this piece of information to my patient changed the constitution of her body and created an environment of conceiving, along with weekly acupuncture sessions and herbs. Plus, she no longer had back pain or painful periods . Another situation was with a client with PCOS. She was taking Metformin. Within this instance, I saw this person twice per week. I did not recommend any herbs for her. She had been struggling to get pregnant for several years. Within three months of us working together, she conceived a beautiful baby girl. These are some examples of how acupuncture can be so powerful in changing the constitution of one's body so when all else fails, people come to acupuncture. People come to acupuncture when everything else is exhausted.
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